Belgian Radio Station ON7AVR

ON5UR QSL Printing


CQ Zone 14 - ITU Zone 27 - Loc. JO21mb - Qth Laakdal, Belgium

Operating on the Following Bands

70cm, 2m, 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 40m, 80m and 160m.


QSL Cards

  • Direct: Yes
  • EQSL: Yes
  • Bureau: No
  • LoTW (Logbook of the World): No


Arthur ON7AVR

Laakdal, Belgium: JO21mb

A special word of extreme thanks goes to teacher Tony ON6TM for his guidance, lessons, and preparations for the HAREC: CEPT T/R 61-01 exam.

Passing Exams and Receiving Permits

Belgian Radio Station ON7AVR

More pictures at ON7AVR Images